Grindavík hefur hampað Íslandsmeistaratitli meistaraflokks karla í körfubolta þrisvar sinnum - 1996, 2012 og 2013.
laugardagur, 25. apríl 2020
miðvikudagur, 22. apríl 2020
þriðjudagur, 21. apríl 2020
föstudagur, 17. apríl 2020
þriðjudagur, 14. apríl 2020
Ljós & mynd
A white house, a white room
The program of today
Lights on, switch on
Your eyes are far away
The map represents you
And the tape is your voice
The program of today
Lights on, switch on
Your eyes are far away
The map represents you
And the tape is your voice
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